.. _userguide: User guide ========== Prerequisites ------------- REANA cluster uses `Kubernetes `_ container orchestration system. The best way to try it out locally on your laptop is to install: - ``docker`` e.g. 19.03.0 (see `Docker installation guide `_) - ``helm`` e.g. 3.0.0 (see `helm installation guide `_) - ``kubectl`` e.g. 1.16.3 (see `kubectl installation guide `_) - ``minikube`` e.g. 1.5.2 (see `minikube installation guide `_) - ``virtualbox`` e.g. 6.1.0 (see `VirtualBox installation guide `_) Here are examples for several operating systems. Arch Linux ~~~~~~~~~~ Some of the packages are available in AUR repositories only. You can install all necessary dependencies as follows: .. code-block:: console $ sudo pacman -S kubectl minikube docker virtualbox \ virtualbox-host-modules-arch virtualbox-guest-iso $ yay -S kubernetes-helm-bin MacOS ~~~~~ We recommend to use the ``hyperkit`` hypervisor for Minikube on MacOS systems. You can install all necessary dependencies as follows: .. code-block:: console $ brew install docker $ brew install kubernetes-helm $ brew install kubernetes-cli $ brew cask install minikube $ brew cask install virtualbox Start minikube -------------- Once you have installed ``kubectl`` and ``minikube``, you can start minikube by running: .. code-block:: console $ minikube config set memory 4096 $ minikube start --vm-driver=virtualbox --feature-gates="TTLAfterFinished=true" You will see an output like: .. code-block:: console Starting local Kubernetes v1.16.3 cluster... Starting VM... Getting VM IP address... Moving files into cluster... Setting up certs... Connecting to cluster... Setting up kubeconfig... Starting cluster components... Kubectl is now configured to use the cluster. Loading cached images from config file. As seen from the output, Minikube startup routines already configured ``kubectl`` to interact with the newly created Kubernetes deployment, but it best to test whether ``kubectl`` is indeed configured properly: .. code-block:: console $ kubectl get all NAME TYPE CLUSTER-IP EXTERNAL-IP PORT(S) AGE svc/kubernetes ClusterIP 443/TCP 1m Install ``reana-cluster`` CLI tool ---------------------------------- ``reana-cluster`` command line interface tool is easily installable from PyPI. You may want to install it into a new virtual environment: .. code-block:: console $ # create new virtual environment $ virtualenv ~/.virtualenvs/myreana $ source ~/.virtualenvs/myreana/bin/activate $ # install reana-cluster utility $ pip install reana-cluster .. _configure: Configure REANA cluster ----------------------- The main function of ``reana-cluster`` command line tool is to initialise a working REANA cluster, ready to run workflows that users submit via ``reana-client``. In order to achieve this, ``reana-cluster`` needs to know how the REANA cluster should be set up; e.g. what versions of REANA components should be deployed and how the configuration of each component should be set up. ``reana-cluster`` expects to get this information via ``reana-cluster-minikube.yaml`` file that comes with the package: .. literalinclude:: ../reana_cluster/configurations/reana-cluster-minikube.yaml :language: yaml You can use the supplied ``reana-cluster-minikube.yaml``, or create your own custom configuration. For instance, if you wish to use a different Docker image for the ``reana-server`` component, you can copy the default ``reana-cluster-minikube.yaml`` to a ``reana-cluster-custom.yaml`` file and change the image tag ``reanahub/reana-server:0.2.0`` according to your wishes. Initialise a REANA cluster -------------------------- Initialising a REANA cluster is just a matter of running ``init`` command: .. code-block:: console $ reana-cluster init REANA cluster is initialised. If you have created a custom configuration, you can use the ``-f`` command-line option and specify your own file. In the same way you can set URL for REANA cluster ``--url ``. .. code-block:: console $ reana-cluster -f reana-cluster-custom.yaml --url reana.cern.ch init Verify REANA components ----------------------- You can verify that components deployed to REANA cluster are set up according to what is defined in REANA cluster specifications file via the ``verify`` command: .. code-block:: console $ reana-cluster verify components COMPONENT IMAGE message-broker match server match workflow-controller match wdb match db match Verify REANA cluster readiness ------------------------------ You can verify whether the REANA cluster is ready to serve the user requests by running the ``status`` command: .. code-block:: console $ reana-cluster status message-broker Running server Running workflow-controller Running wdb Running db Running REANA cluster is ready. In the above example, everything is running and the REANA cluster is ready for serving user requests. Display commands to set up the environment for the REANA client --------------------------------------------------------------- You can print the list of commands to configure the environment for the `reana-client `_: .. code-block:: console $ reana-cluster env export REANA_SERVER_URL= You can execute the displayed command easily as follows: .. code-block:: console $ eval $(reana-cluster env) Delete REANA cluster deployment ------------------------------- To bring the cluster deployment down, i.e. delete all REANA components that were deployed during ``init``, you can run: .. code-block:: console $ reana-cluster down Delete interactive sessions --------------------------- Interactive sessions that were not closed after work have been finished leave active Kubernetes objects (`pod`, `service` and `Ingress`) running in the REANA cluster. These objects might need to be deleted from time to time. Please note that interactive session pod and service are linked to the Ingress object. If it gets deleted other two will be deleted automatically. To delete open interactive sessions use following commands: .. code-block:: console # get all ingresses of open interactive sessions $ kubectl get ingresses | grep interactive interactive-jupyter-ad814137-baec-4ee5-b899-1d549e90b44a * 80 103m interactive-jupyter-e4c7aa38-370b-47b7-bf8c-44f5f0f44b44 * 80 3h48m interactive-jupyter-ec5438b1-65a8-4bba-a52c-ff7970242e83 * 80 3h16m interactive-jupyter-f401874d-e9a6-4b2b-9b9d-12b0f141a442 * 80 103m interactive-jupyter-f9f56f92-a533-4bcc-aad9-581f5e31ff0f * 80 103m # lets delete all remaining objects of open interactive sessions $ kubectl delete $(kubectl get ingresses -o name | grep interactive) ingress.extensions "interactive-jupyter-ad814137-baec-4ee5-b899-1d549e90b44a" deleted ingress.extensions "interactive-jupyter-e4c7aa38-370b-47b7-bf8c-44f5f0f44b44" deleted ingress.extensions "interactive-jupyter-ec5438b1-65a8-4bba-a52c-ff7970242e83" deleted ingress.extensions "interactive-jupyter-f401874d-e9a6-4b2b-9b9d-12b0f141a442" deleted ingress.extensions "interactive-jupyter-f9f56f92-a533-4bcc-aad9-581f5e31ff0f" deleted