5.1. reana-cluster

Command line application for managing a REANA cluster.

reana-cluster [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...


-l, --loglevel <loglevel>

Sets log level

-f, --file <file>

REANA cluster specifications file describing configuration for the cluster and for REANA components

-s, --skip-validation

If set, specifications file is not validated before starting the initialization.


If EOS is available in the deployed cluster, this config will make it available inside the REANA jobs.


Set cephfs volume for cluster storage.

--cephfs-volume-size <cephfs_volume_size>

Set cephfs volume size in GB.

--cephfs-storageclass <cephfs_storageclass>

A preset cephfs storageclass.

--cephfs-os-share-id <cephfs_os_share_id>

Manila share id.

--cephfs-os-share-access-id <cephfs_os_share_access_id>

Manila share access id.


If set, deploy REANA in debug mode.

-u, --url <url>

Set REANA cluster URL


Deploy the REANA-UI inside the REANA Cluster.

5.1.1. down

Bring REANA cluster down, i.e. delete all deployed components.

reana-cluster down [OPTIONS]



NOT IMPLEMENTED. If set, also persistent storage inside the cluster is deleted.

--delete-traefik, --skip-delete-traefik

Should the REANA traefik be deleted? By default Traefik is not deleted.

--delete-secrets, --skip-delete-secrets

Should the REANA secrets be deleted? By default secrets are not deleted.

5.1.2. env

Display the commands to set up the environment for the REANA client.

reana-cluster env [OPTIONS]


--namespace <namespace>

Namespace of the components which configuration should be produced.


REANA Server URL with HTTP.


Display also commands how to set REANA_ACCESS_TOKEN for administrator access. Use with care! Do no share with regular users.

--server-hostname <server_hostname>

Set customized REANA Server hostname.

5.1.3. get

Fetch information (e.g. URLs) about a REANA component deployed in REANA cluster.

reana-cluster get [OPTIONS] COMPONENT


--namespace <namespace>

Namespace of the component which URL should be resolved.



Required argument

5.1.4. init

Initialize REANA cluster, i.e. deploy all REANA components to cluster type (e.g. ‘kubernetes’) defined in REANA cluster specifications file

reana-cluster init [OPTIONS]



If set, configuration files for selected cluster type are generated, but cluster is not initialized.

-o, --output <output>

Path where generated cluster configuration files should be saved.If no value is given no files are outputted.

--create-traefik, --skip-create-traefik

Should the REANA traefik be created?.


Enter configuration via command prompt.

5.1.5. restart

NOT IMPLEMENTED. Restart components running in REANA cluster.

reana-cluster restart [OPTIONS]



NOT IMPLEMENTED. If set, also persistent storage inside the cluster is deleted.

5.1.6. status

Display the status of each component and if the cluster is ready.

reana-cluster status [OPTIONS]


--component <component>

Specify for which component you want the statuse.g. workflow-controller.

5.1.7. verify

Verify that configuration of REANA cluster and components deployed there are set up according to REANA cluster specifications file.

reana-cluster verify [OPTIONS] COMMAND1 [ARGS]... [COMMAND2 [ARGS]...]... backend

Only verify that configuration of REANA cluster matches to what is specified in REANA cluster specifications file.

reana-cluster verify backend [OPTIONS] components

Only verify that configuration of REANA components deployed to REANA cluster matches to what is specified in REANA cluster specifications file.

reana-cluster verify components [OPTIONS]

5.1.8. version

Show version.

reana-cluster version [OPTIONS]