2. Getting started

This tutorial explains how to quick-start with REANA-Cluster.

2.1. Deploy locally

Are you looking at installing and deploying REANA cluster locally on your laptop?

  1. Install kubectl (e.g. version 1.16.3), minikube (e.g. version 1.5.2) and Helm (e.g. version 3.0.0):

    $ sudo dpkg -i kubectl*.deb minikube*.deb kubernetes-helm*.deb
  2. Start Minikube virtual machine:

    $ minikube start --vm-driver=virtualbox --feature-gates="TTLAfterFinished=true"
  3. Install REANA-Cluster sources. You probably want to use a virtual environment:

    $ # create new virtual environment
    $ virtualenv ~/.virtualenvs/myreana
    $ source ~/.virtualenvs/myreana/bin/activate
    $ # install reana-cluster utility
    $ pip install reana-cluster
  4. Start REANA cluster instance on Minikube:

    $ reana-cluster init
  5. Check the status of the REANA cluster deployment. (Note that it may take several minutes to pull the REANA component images for the first time.)

    $ reana-cluster status
    REANA cluster is ready.
  6. Display the commands to set up the environment for the user clients:

    $ reana-cluster env
    export REANA_SERVER_URL=
    $ eval $(reana-cluster env --include-admin-token)

    If you need to create more users you can:

    $ kubectl exec \
          -ti $(kubectl get pods -l=app=server -o jsonpath='{.items[0].metadata.name}') \
          -- flask users create \
                -e jane.doe@example.org \
                --admin-access-token $REANA_ACCESS_TOKEN
    User was successfully created.
    ID                                     EMAIL                  ACCESS_TOKEN
    09259d12-b06c-4a13-a696-ae8e57f1f0c9   jane.doe@example.org   dHYXgh5AXmukZrdWccZaSg
  7. You can now run REANA examples on the locally-deployed cluster using reana-client.

    Note that after you finish testing REANA, you can delete the locally-deployed cluster and the Minikube virtual machine as follows:

    $ reana-cluster down
    $ minikube stop

2.2. Deploy on CERN infrastructure

  1. Log into lxplus-cloud (CC7 subset of lxplus with recent OpenStack clients) and create a working directory for reana:

    $ ssh lxplus-cloud.cern.ch
    $ mkdir reana && cd reana
  2. Setup your OpenStack account and create a Kubernetes cluster following the official documentation.

  3. Load the configuration to connect to the Kubernetes cluster and wait for the pods to be created:

    $ $(openstack coe cluster config <cluster-name>)
    $ kubectl get pods -w
  4. Set one of the nodes to be an ingress controller and create a landb alias:

    # Get all cluster nodes
    $ kubectl get nodes
    $ kubectl label node <node-name> role=ingress
    $ openstack server set --property landb-alias=<your-subdomain> <ingress-node>
  5. As we are using the alpha feature gate TTLAfterFinished we need to manually activate it:

    $ # Get the Kube master name and connect to it
    $ openstack server list | grep -E reana-.*-master
    $ ssh -i <ssh-key> fedora@<master-node>
    ssh> # Add `TTLAfterFinished=true` to the `--feature-gates` in
    ssh> # `/etc/kubernetes/apiserver `and `/etc/kubernetes/controller-manager`
    ssh> sudo vi /etc/kubernetes/apiserver
    ssh> sudo vi /etc/kubernetes/controller-manager
    ssh> # Finally restart both services
    ssh> sudo systemctl restart kube-apiserver
    ssh> sudo systemctl restart kube-controller-manager
    ssh> # Logout from the master node
    ssh> exit
  6. Since Python3 does not come by default we have to use the slc command to activate it and we create a virtual environment for REANA:

    $ scl enable rh-python36 bash
    $ virtualenv reana
    $ source reana/bin/activate
  7. Install reana-cluster:

    (reana) $ pip install reana-cluster
  8. Create your own reana-cluster.yaml. For instance, to deploy REANA 0.6.1 at CERN with 200 GB Ceph volume and having as URL reana-dev.cern.ch the file, reana-cluster-CERN.yaml, would look like follows:

      type: "kubernetes"
      version: "v1.16.3"
      db_config: &db_base_config
        - REANA_DB_NAME: "reana"
        - REANA_DB_HOST: "db-host-name"
        - REANA_DB_PORT: "5432"
      root_path: "/var/reana"
      shared_volume_path: "/var/reana"
      reana_url: "reana-dev.cern.ch"
      ui: True
      eos: True
      cephfs: True
      cephfs_volume_size: 200
      cephfs_os_share_id: <cephfs-share-id>
      cephfs_os_share_access_id: <cephfs-share-access-id>
      db_persistence_path: "/var/reana/db"
        type: "docker"
        image: "reanahub/reana-workflow-controller:0.6.1"
         - <<: *db_base_config
         - REANA_JOB_CONTROLLER_IMAGE: "reanahub/reana-job-controller:0.6.1"
         - REANA_WORKFLOW_ENGINE_IMAGE_CWL: "reanahub/reana-workflow-engine-cwl:0.6.1"
         - REANA_WORKFLOW_ENGINE_IMAGE_YADAGE: "reanahub/reana-workflow-engine-yadage:0.6.1"
         - REANA_WORKFLOW_ENGINE_IMAGE_SERIAL: "reanahub/reana-workflow-engine-serial:0.6.1"
        type: "docker"
        image: "reanahub/reana-server:0.6.1"
         - <<: *db_base_config
        type: "docker"
        image: "reanahub/reana-message-broker:0.6.0"
  9. Instantiate REANA cluster:

    (reana) $ reana-cluster -f reana-cluster-CERN.yaml init
  10. Test that REANA can be accessed by the specified domain name:

(reana) $ curl http://reana-dev.cern.ch/api/ping
{"message": "OK", "status": "200"}

2.3. Next steps

For more information, please see:

  • Looking for a more comprehensive user manual? See User guide
  • Looking for tips how to develop REANA-Cluster component? See Developer guide
  • Looking for command-line API reference? See CLI API